Tuesday, September 4, 2007

brilliant banners

I rarely click on banner ads. Like ... I have maybe clicked on three in my lifetime. They have to be simple and well designed to peak my interest. Two of the three have been well worth it. The first was for Tonik, Blue Cross Blue Shield's health insurance plans for 19 to 29 year olds. The graphics are excellent, the website is maneuverable, and the writing is subtly funny.

The second great banner was for Global Giving. I have never quite gotten in the habit of tithing. I will hand five dollars to a homeless man, but cannot budget to send money to the people who need it (not to say that the homeless don't need it, I would just like to be a bit more regular and intentional about giving). All that being said, what led me to this site was it's simple graphics and colors. The logo is pretty dope, too. This site might help me step into the world of actually helping.

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